Sunday, December 14, 2008


Now I have no love for the BCS (Bowl Championship Series), but there is no reason at this time for Rep. Barton (R- Texas) who by the way is the ranking Republican on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, to introduce legislation that would force college football (Div 1) to adopt a playoff to determine the national champion. Do we have nothing more to do in government anymore then to come down on sports both professional (see Baseball) and collegiate? Are there not more important things to do like figuring out how to ease the economical stress the average American is experiencing? Would we not be better severed by the House Energy and Commerce Committee if they looked into more important matters like how to ‘kick start’ the economy into adopting next generation energy technology, so we as Americans can become and stay energy independent?
Apparently, no. It is by Rep. Barton’s (R-Texas) estimation that because the unreliable way the BCS ranks the schools "In some years the sport's national championship winner was left unsettled, and at least one school was left out of the many millions of dollars in revenue that accompany the title,'' Barton said in a statement released ahead of the bill's introduction. "Despite repeated efforts to improve the system, the controversy rages on.'' Well said Rep. Barton but might I ask your solution to the problem? Well according to the legislation he submitted to the Committee there is nothing specific in what sort of playoff he wants — only that the BCS should go to that format. However in surprisingly strong language, in which he also named the co-sponsors of the legislation Reps. Bobby Rush, an Illinois Democrat, and Michael McCaul, a Texas Republican, This “will prohibit the marketing, promotion, and advertising of a postseason game as a 'national championship' football game, unless it is the result of a playoff system. Violations of the prohibition will be treated as violations of the Federal Trade Commission Act as an unfair or deceptive act or practice.''
Now I can kinda understand the reason behind the legislation in that the ‘wealth of the bowl games’ are not being evenly distributed among the schools. If this is the sole reason why Rep. Barton is looking into this legislation I can get beside it, it doesn’t mean that I like it, but I get it there are deserving schools who won’t get a shot at the National Champion title because they are a smaller school or from a smaller conference even if they went undefeated. There are large schools or large conferences that have teams looking in from the outside because of a late season loss or some other team gets hot even if they lost earlier in the year. Look if it fixes the broke system great if this is a tactic to get the focus off the economical woes or the ineffectual ability for the government to govern then shame on you sir. Shame on you and your compatriots for trying to sham the people with busy work.

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