Hey, Joe the Plumber is back. Come on you remember Joe, aka: Joe Wurzelbacher, yeah the unlicensed plumber who Senator McCain used as a prop. You know the guy who told Katie Couric he was upset by the answer he got from then Senator Obama, when they met on the campaign trail, to his question about the Democratic presidential nominee's tax plan. "And unfortunately I asked the question but I still got a tap dance. Do you -- almost as good as Sammy Davis Jr." Yeah that one, see you remember. Well guess what, he’s got a book out. [Insert sarcastic response] And in the fine tradition of “shoving it to the man”, he’s biting the hand that fed him. Or perhaps snarking down the whole arm. You see the book’s not quite out yet. He’s just promoting it, and in doing so he went on Glenn Beck’s [insert something about a moron here] radio program yesterday ((12/9/2008) to discuss “Fighting for the American Dream”. Now what is it we can expect from the unlicensed brain of a plumber [insert snide remark about the unlicensed brain part]? Why the vaunted “inside look” at the campaign. Why? Because, according to Mr. Plumber he’s smarter than most. “I like to think I’m a little more educated than some out there in politics just because it is interesting to me,” he said. Just cause it’s interesting to you? I’ve got an interest in global warming does this make me smarter then you? Well according Joe yes. Hard to argue I guess. However since there are so very few other people interested in politics ((or global warming)) it should be a page turner of enlightenment.
So how did good ol’joe like the campaign? “I honestly felt more dirty after I was on the campaign trail and saw some things that took place [sic]” Wurzelbacher said. Such as? Well Joe really doesn’t say. Why? Well you see kiddos he’s doing the “promote-a-book” thing where you tease someone with enticing parts so they can get you to buy the book (which is out later this month). The problem is, he didn’t really have anything enticing to say. So Beck [insert snide comment about crap journalism] pushed him on it: “Tell me something about John McCain that I don’t know.” Radio silence. Followed by a lot of “uhhhh, ummmm, uhhhhh, well, uhhhhhhh…..” Finally, [read about time] he came up with the bailout. Yeah, good job Joe that’s showing the masses you’re above average intelligence when it comes to politics, way to stay topical, that’s the ticket. So what about that bailout Joe? “When I was on the bus with him, I asked him a lot of questions about the bailout because most Americans didn’t want it to happen - yet he voted for it,” he said. “At the same time he’s talking about making someone famous if they even think about putting pork in the bill. We all know how much pork was in the $700 million bailout package. Why did he vote for it?” uh-huh what else? “I asked him pretty direct questions, and some of the answers you guys are going to receive … they appalled me,” he said apparently alluding to the promise that his book will be a tell-all. “I was angry. I wanted to get off the bus after I talked to him.” So why didn’t you? “Because the thought of Barack Obama scared me even more,” he says. Hmmmm…. OK, Joe. We’ll see if your strategy of throwing Senator McCain under the bus works out - even if he didn’t discard you when he could have. You see ABC’s Jake Tapper [reason for this blog] hit the nail on the head this morning when he reminded us that McCain stood by Wurzelbacher even when the faux plumber astoundingly began dispensing foreign policy advice. Let us recall that McCain stood by Wurzelbacher even after he agreed that a vote for Barack Obama is a vote for the “death of Israel,” prompting Fox News’ Shep Smith to say of Wurzelbacher, “it just gets frightening sometimes.” Well said, well said indeed.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
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